Required Forms
- General Forms
- clets001 Confidential CLETS Information – file with the court, but do not serve on the opposing party
- dv109 Notice of Court Hearing – the court will assign a hearing date
- dv110 Temporary Restraining Order
- dv100 Request for Restraining Order
- dv101 Description of Abuse
- dv200 Proof of Personal Service
- dv120info Information sheet for the opposing party
- dv120 Blank form for opposing party – don’t fill this out
- Child Related Forms
- dv105 Request for Child Custody and Visitation Orders
- dv140 Child Custody and Visitation Order – the court will fill out the Orders section
- dv108 Request for Order: No Travel With Children
- dv145 Order: No Travel With Children – use this form if you fear the opposing party will leave with the children – the court will fill out the Orders section
- dv150 Supervised Visitation and Exchange Order – use this form if you want all visitation supervised – the court will fill out the Orders section
Many courts also have a local form that is used to establish that the matter is being brought in the correct courthouse, to designate the proper police agency, to establish whether an interpreter is needed, etc. If the court where you file your papers has such a form, it is generally very short and can be completed at the clerk’s counter when filing the package of other required forms.